
A man wearing glasses and a black shirt.

Prof. Edison Thomaz Receives Google Faculty Research Award

April 16, 2018
Prof. Edison Thomaz of Texas ECE has received a Google Faculty Research Award for his proposed research work on "Identifying Acoustic Biomarkers of Mental Health and Well-Being in Voice-Based Interactions with Conversational Assistants in the Home". Google Faculty Research Awards is an annual open call for "proposals on computer science and related topics such as machine learning, machine perception, natural language processing, and quantum computing." This year, Google considered 1,033 proposals covering 46 countries and over 360 universities and funded 152 projects from those proposals.
A girl wearing a headset playing a video game.

Prof. Robert Heath Moderates Brooklyn 5G Summit Panel

June 2, 2016
5G technology will play a major role in the future of automotive systems. Exactly how this technology will be implemented is still up for debate. To discuss current research and possible directions for 5G, industry experts met in New York for the Brooklyn 5G Summit in April 2016. The annual summit, jointly organized by Nokia Networks, the NYU WIRELESS Center and the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, discussed next steps for making 5G a commercial reality, which includes channel models, millimeter wave communication, regulatory aspects and the evolving Internet-of-Things (IoT) space.