
A flat illustration of a man and woman working at a computer.

Team LIVE Wins Computer Vision for Public Safety Challenge

June 8, 2021
WNCG students Marius Facktor and Abhinau Venkataramanan and WNCG alumnus Praful Gupta from Prof. Al Bovik’s Laboratory for Image & Video Engineering (LIVE) have been named Phase 2 winners in the Enhancing Computer Vision for Public Safety Challenge. The challenge is hosted by the Public Safety Communications Research Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The competition aims to support public safety missions by advancing computer vision algorithms and no-reference (NR) metrics that assess image or video quality.
A woman in a white jacket standing in front of a black background.

WNCG Faculty Evdokia Nikolova Co-Organizes Program on Real-Time Decision Making

March 7, 2018
WNCG faculty member Evdokia Nikolova is co-organizer for a semester-long program on Real-Time Decision Making at UC Berkeley. The program is hosted by the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, a collaborative research institute which is a leader in theoretical computer science.
A man standing at a podium in front of a screen.

WNCG Launches UT SAVES Initiative

Dec. 13, 2016
Envision an early cubist painting by the famous artist Pablo Picasso. To the untrained eye, the painting can look like a jumbled series of boxes overlapping and intertwining with each other. But the art of cubism is about exploring the world from multiple perspectives. The painting, which at first looks like boxes, is actually a city seen from multiple perspectives.