
Two pictures of two men posing for a photo.

WNCG Welcomes Two New Faculty

April 20, 2020
WNCG continues to grow; this spring, Assistant Professor Jonathan Tamir and Professor José del R. Millán were welcomed to the group. [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_preview","fid":"1761","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"180","width":"180"}}]] Dr. Jonathan Tamir holds a joint appointment with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Dell Medical School’s Department of Diagnostic Medicine. He is also affiliated with the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences.
Texas wireless summit logo.

Texas Wireless Summit Registration Opens August 12

Aug. 5, 2019
Texas Wireless Summit 2019: Connectivity and Sensing at the Human-Machine Frontier will take place on November 12, 2019 at The University of Texas at Austin. Registration for the Summit is only days away from opening on August 12.
An illustration of a car and a car with a wireless signal.

Profs. de Veciana and Vikalo Receive NSF Grant to investigate Visibility and Interactive Information Sharing in Collaborative Sensing Systems

Oct. 22, 2018
Prof. Gustavo de Veciana and Prof. Haris Vikalo of Texas ECE have received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to investigate visibility and interactive information sharing in collaborative sensing systems. The proposed research effort will "advance the state-of-the-art in collaborative sensing systems which are expected to benefit the field and society more broadly, through planned efforts in education innovation, achieving diversity, engaging the community and industry, and disseminating results to a wider public."
A man standing at a podium in front of a screen.

WNCG Launches UT SAVES Initiative

Dec. 13, 2016
Envision an early cubist painting by the famous artist Pablo Picasso. To the untrained eye, the painting can look like a jumbled series of boxes overlapping and intertwining with each other. But the art of cubism is about exploring the world from multiple perspectives. The painting, which at first looks like boxes, is actually a city seen from multiple perspectives.