
A woman's wrist with an apple watch on it.

Using Wearable Technology to Prevent Kidney Stones

Oct. 21, 2020
WNCG professor Edison Thomaz is part of a team exploring the use of wearable technology to prevent kidney stones. The team received a five year, $2.97 million grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to address this problem. The team includes David Conroy, professor of kinesiology and human development and family studies, Necole Streeper, assistant professor of surgery at the College of Medicine, both from Penn State University, as well as Nilam Ram, professor of communications and psychology at Stanford University.
Adobe data science research awards.

Atlas Wang Receives Adobe Data Science Research Award

Oct. 13, 2020
WNCG professor Atlas Wang received a Data Science Research Award from Adobe for his work on “Towards Automated Design of Efficient Deep Multi-Modal Recommendation Models.” Every year, Adobe funds a university faculty research program to “promote the understanding and use of data science in the area of marketing with the goal “to encourage both theoretical and empirical development of solutions to problems in marketing.”
A collage of people with different facial expressions.

UT Austin Launches Institute to Harness the Data Revolution

Nov. 6, 2019
Advances in machine learning are announced every day, but efforts to fundamentally rethink the core algorithms of AI are rare.