
A close up of a coronavirus on an orange background.

Texas ECE Researchers Respond to COVID-19

May 18, 2020
Texas ECE is on the front lines of the global response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our researchers are racing to develop innovations to support the fight against COVID-19. Here are some Texas ECE research projects being developed to address the coronavirus pandemic: Deployment of a real-time trustworthiness assessment to ensure only the best, most reliable sources and associated data are used for monitoring the incidence of COVID-19, providing confidence to citizens and health care workers alike. Dr. Suzanne Barber
The 5g logo on a blue background.

Prof. Jeff Andrews Discusses 5G on Science Vs

Nov. 4, 2019
WNCG professor Jeff Andrews appeared as a guest expert on a recent episode of Gimlet Media's Science Vs podcast, "5G: Welcome to the Revolution?" where he provided background on the next generation of wireless technology. The episode noted the general public's increased interest in 5G and explored the basics of the technology, addressing the controversies and myths building around the topic. Find more information, including a link to Prof. Andrews' paper on 5G, and listen to the podcast here.