
A black and white image of the letter s.

Romain Fleury Receives Young Presenter Award From ASA

Dec. 12, 2014
UT ECE graduate student Romain Fleury has been named the recipeint of the "Young Presenter Award in Noise" for his presentation at the 168th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Indianapolis for his work on "Parity-Time symmetric metamaterials and metasurfaces for loss-immune and broadband acoustic wave manipulation." This award is particularly significant because it is awarded to anyone under the age of 35, not just students. Romain is supervised by Prof. Andrea Alù and has also recently won Best Student Paper at Metamaterials 2014.
A man in glasses is standing in front of a colorful background.

Prof. Joydeep Ghosh Receives Two NSF Grants for Work with Complex Data

Oct. 3, 2014
UT ECE professor Joydeep Ghosh has received two research awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF) totalling more than $1 Million focusing on topics in complex data modeling in the healthcare field..
A man in glasses standing in front of an orange background.

Prof. Joydeep Ghosh receives $496K from NSF

Aug. 18, 2014
Much of life involves setting priorities. In the age of information overload, the need to select relevant information and prioritize is greater than ever. Ranking product choices, identifying items of greatest relevance and interest and setting priorities are widespread issues in economics, health informatics and online networks.