
The nsf logo on a white background.

Prof. Robert Heath Awarded NSF Grant for ADCs Research

Aug. 4, 2015
As communication systems embrace ever wider bandwidths and the FCC seeks to codify next-generation standards, Analog-to-Digital-Converters (ADCs) struggle to meet rate, resolution and power requirements for these systems. The massive antenna arrays under consideration for next-generation wireless, which include tens or even hundreds of receiver channels, only exacerbate the problem.
A man in glasses is standing in front of a colorful background.

Prof. Joydeep Ghosh Receives $660K from NSF

Aug. 25, 2014
As the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) increases in the USA, the complexity of EHR data is growing dramatically. EHR data now covers diverse information about patients, including diagnosis, medication, lab results, genomic information and clinical notes. However, such large volumes of information do not readily provide accurate and succinct patient representations for effective and customized healthcare.