
Em side channel lab setup.

ECE Professors Receive NSF Grant for Research on Electromagnetic Security of Embedded Systems

Sept. 5, 2019
Embedded systems often operate on sensitive data in safety-critical environments, including transportation, health care, and industrial control. Embedded software can leak information about the activity and data via physical side-channels, such as electromagnetic (EM) fields, which can be measured with ease by an adversary using modest equipment. Such measurements can be used to profile programs, find anomalies in the software, identify sensitive information, and most fundamentally, reveal what instructions are being executed on the system.
A high voltage pylon against a blue sky.

Energy Savings with Smart Grid Systems

Sept. 4, 2014
Currently, local utilities in the U.S. generate 12 percent more energy than they anticipate needing. Otherwise, if they experience a brownout or blackout, utility companies face heavy penalties from the government. “Most of that extra energy is going to waste,” WNCG Prof. Brian Evans states. “If utility companies had access to better information, they could predict user demand and how it evolves over the day. They could reduce energy waste by around four-to-six percent.”