
Amia information professionals leading the way.

Tecas ECE Alumna Jette Henderson Receives 2019 AMIA Doctoral Dissertation Award

June 26, 2019
Texas ECE alumna Jette Henderson was announced as the recipient of the 2019 American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Doctoral Dissertation Award: Honorable Mention. AMIA "is committed to the science and practice of informatics as it relates to clinical care, research, education, and policy."  Dr. Henderson's thesis was on “Learning and Validating Clinically Meaningful Phenotypes from Electronic Health Data.” She completed her PhD at Texas ECE in 2018 under the supervisions of Prof. Joydeep Ghosh.
Amia information professionals leading the way.

Texas ECE Alumna Jette Henderson Receives 2019 AMIA Doctoral Dissertation Award

June 26, 2019
Texas ECE alumna Jette Henderson was announced as the recipient of the 2019 American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Doctoral Dissertation Award: Honorable Mention. AMIA "is committed to the science and practice of informatics as it relates to clinical care, research, education, and policy."  Dr. Henderson's thesis was on “Learning and Validating Clinically Meaningful Phenotypes from Electronic Health Data.” She completed her PhD at Texas ECE in 2018 under the supervisions of Prof. Joydeep Ghosh.
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Romain Fleury Receives Young Presenter Award From ASA

Dec. 12, 2014
UT ECE graduate student Romain Fleury has been named the recipeint of the "Young Presenter Award in Noise" for his presentation at the 168th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Indianapolis for his work on "Parity-Time symmetric metamaterials and metasurfaces for loss-immune and broadband acoustic wave manipulation." This award is particularly significant because it is awarded to anyone under the age of 35, not just students. Romain is supervised by Prof. Andrea Alù and has also recently won Best Student Paper at Metamaterials 2014.