
A woman in glasses sitting on a chair in front of a whiteboard.

Prof. Andrea Thomaz Presents Robotic Healthcare Assistance Technologies at stARTup Studio

Feb. 25, 2016
Prof. Andrea Thomaz, associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, appeared at stARTup Studio to present Diligent Droids, a company that seeks to provide aid to healthcare providers through robotic technologies. Thomaz said she hopes to apply her research in the field of artificial intelligence to help healthcare providers with their service. Prof. Thomaz joined Texas ECE in January 2016.  Read more about Prof. Thomaz and Diligent Droids at Silicon Hills News
A black and white image of the letter s.

Romain Fleury Receives Young Presenter Award From ASA

Dec. 12, 2014
UT ECE graduate student Romain Fleury has been named the recipeint of the "Young Presenter Award in Noise" for his presentation at the 168th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Indianapolis for his work on "Parity-Time symmetric metamaterials and metasurfaces for loss-immune and broadband acoustic wave manipulation." This award is particularly significant because it is awarded to anyone under the age of 35, not just students. Romain is supervised by Prof. Andrea Alù and has also recently won Best Student Paper at Metamaterials 2014.