
An image of a blue and orange structure.

New Mechanical Metamaterials Can Block Symmetry of Motion, Findings Suggest

Feb. 13, 2017
Engineers and scientists at The University of Texas at Austin and the AMOLF institute in the Netherlands have invented the first mechanical metamaterials that easily transfer motion effortlessly in one direction while blocking it in the other, as described in a paper published on Feb. 13 in Nature. The material can be thought of as a mechanical one-way shield that blocks energy from coming in but easily transmits it going out the other side.
A group of people posing in front of a machine.

WNCG Alum Chan-Byoung Chae Wins IEEE INFOCOM Best Demo

May 15, 2015
WNCG alumni, Prof. Chan-Byoung Chae, along with his students and colleagues from Canada, recently received the IEEE INFOCOM 2015 Best Demo Award. They received the award for their project entitled “Molecular MIMO Communication Link.”