WNCG professor Atlas Wang has received the 2021 International Neural Network Society (INNS) Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award. The Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award is conferred on up to two exceptionally promising young investigators in the field of neural networks. INNS was formed in 1987 by the leading scientists in the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) field, and it is "premiere organization for individuals interested in a theoretical and computational understanding of the brain and applying that knowledge to develop new and more effective forms of machine intelligence."
Professor Zhangyang "Atlas" Wang is currently an Assistant Professor and Fellow of the Jack Kilby/Texas Instruments Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Computer Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. Prof. Wang is broadly interested in the fields of machine learning, computer vision, optimization, and their interdisciplinary applications. His latest interests focus on automated machine learning (AutoML), learning-based optimization, machine learning robustness, and efficient deep learning. His research is gratefully supported by NSF, DARPA, ARL/ARO, as well as a few more industry and university grants. He has received many research awards and scholarships, including most recently an ARO Young Investigator award, an IBM faculty research award, an Amazon research award, a Young Faculty Fellow of TAMU, and four research competition prizes from CVPR/ICCV/ECCV.