WNCG Assistant Professor Alex Dimakis gave the keynote Address at the First International Workshop on Big Dynamic Distributed Data (BD3), in conjunction with the 39th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), in Trento, Italy on August 30, 2013. Prof. Dimakis's address was titled 'Coding Theory for Large-Scale Storage.' The aim of the BD3 workshop is to bring together computer scientists with interests in this field to present recent innovations, find topics of common interest and to stimulate further development of new approaches to deal with massive dynamic and distributed data. VLDB is a premier annual international forum for data management and database researchers, vendors, practitioners, application developers, and users. The conference will feature research talks, tutorials, demonstrations, and workshops. It will cover current issues in data management, database and information systems research. Data management and databases remain among the main technological cornerstones of emerging applications of the twenty-first century. Dr. Alex Dimakis is an Assistant Professor with the Wireless Networking and Communications Group. His research focuses ondistributed storage, network coding, and distributed inference algorithms.