Kyle Wesson, a WNCG graduate student who is co-advised by Prof. Brian Evans and Prof. Todd Humphreys, was invited to present at the National Workshop on the New Clockwork for Time-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems held in Baltimore, MD on October 25 and 26, 2012. The workshop featured daily presentations and breakout sessions for the researchers in attendance from industry, academia, and government. The goal of the workshop was to define a list of needs for research on time-critical aspects of cyber-physical systems that will inform future research directions for theHigh Confidence Software and Systems Coordinating Group of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development subcommittee. Kyle presented his research on the vulnerabilities of civil GPS receivers to so-called spoofing attacks and on the various techniques to defend against such attacks. Research on timing attacks and defenses is uniquely applicable to cyber-physical systems (e.g., telecom, smart power grid, and finance) whose increasing reliance on high-accuracy synchronization makes them vulnerable to a wide range of attack vectors.You can read the white paper or view the presentation from the workshop online.