Prof. Andrea Alù was recently appointed as a Simons Investigator in Physics. This program aims to provide a stable base of support for outstanding scientists, and enables them to undertake long-term investigations of fundamental questions in their fields.
Each year, the Simons Foundation invites nominations from universities in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom for the Simons Investigators in Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Computer Science and the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS) programs.
The intent of the Investigator program is to support outstanding scientists during their most productive years, when they are establishing creative new research directions, providing leadership in the field and effectively mentoring junior scientists. To be an Investigator, a scientist must be engaged in theoretical research in mathematics, physics or computer science and must have a primary appointment as a faculty member at a U.S., Canadian or U.K. institution with a Ph.D. program. To support their research, investigators receive $100,000 per year, with an additional $10,000 per year for the Investigator’s academic department and overhead costs.
Founded in New York City in 1994, the mission of the Simons Foundation is to advance science and provide fudning for research in the fields of mathematics, physical sciences, life sciences, autism, and education and outreach.
“I am excited and honored to become a Simons Investigator,” Prof. Alù states. “This award will allow us to continue and extend our investigations in theoretical aspects of metamaterial science and technology, with applications to physics and electrical engineering problems. I look forward to interactions with other Simons Investigators and with the Simons Foundation.”