WNCG students Wenguang Mao and Mei Wang, along with their advisor, WNCG Professor Lili Qiu, won the “Best Paper” award at this year's ACM MobiSys, which took place over the summer in Munich, Germany.
According to the conference website, MobiSys “seeks to present innovative and significant research on all aspects of mobile systems, applications, and services. The conference values technical contributions with working implementations and practical evaluations.” Mao, Wang and Qiu’s paper, titled “AIM: Acoustic Imaging on a Mobile,” was chosen from 40 papers accepted to the conference.
Inspiration for the team’s research into “Acoustic Imaging on a Mobile” was taken from the abundance of smartphones in our everyday lives. Despite advances in smartphone camera quality, situations such as poor lighting or an obstructed target still provide a challenge to imaging using handheld devices. The team turned to acoustic imaging as a complementary alternative due to its ability to penetrate a number of materials and its lack of reliance on lighting conditions.
In the course of their study, the researchers developed “a 2-stage interference cancellation scheme, a new algorithm to compensate trajectory errors, and an effective method to minimize the impact of signal distortion.”
You can read the paper here, and watch a short demo of their paper topic here.