Simons Conference 2015 Brings Together Alumni, Industry and Academia

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June 3, 2015
Hosted by the Department of Mathematics and the Wireless Networking and Communications Group (WNCG) at the University of Texas at Austin, the Simons Conference on Networks and Stochastic Geometry is an annual event that brings together a diverse set of world-class researchers from various scientific communities to foster interdisciplinary engagement. The multi-day conference focuses on the intersection of mathematics and applications to drive the future of wireless, transportation, social and distribution networks. Simons Conference 2015 was chaired by WNCG Profs. François Baccelli, Gustavo de Veciana and Jeff Andrews.
The Simons Conference includes research talks by active researchers in the field and mini-course tutorials. Participation in the conference is free and open to students, academics and industry visitors from across the globe. This conference is made possible through financial support from the Simons Foundation.
This year's event drew numerous WNCG alumni as speakers and attendees, including Profs. Sid Bannerjee from Cornell University, Harpreet Dhillon of Virginia Tech and Jeffrey Wildman from Drexel University. Several WNCG students also presented research during the poster presentation session. 
To view presentation slides from the week-long event, click HERE. To view the complete slideshow, click the image below.

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