WNCG students Sarabjot Singh and Harpreet Dhillon, along with their advisor Jeff Andrews, received a Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Communications in Budapest, Hungary. It appeared in the Wireless Communications Symposium, which comprised approximately 170 technical papers selected from approximately 500 submissions. The paper is titled Downlink Rate Distribution in Multi-RAT Heterogeneous Networks, and develops acomprehensive model and analytical framework, including the effect of unequal loads on the base stations, fordetermining data rate in overlaid heterogeneous cellular and WiFi networks. This is challenging because the loads and transmit power levels vary so much across space and time in such a heterogeneous network. The work was supported by Intel and CiscoSystems, Inc. in the Video Aware Wireless Networks (VAWN) program, and also received their Best Technical Talk award when presented atthe final VAWN workshop at Intel last year. The full-length journal version recently appeared as: S. Singh, H. S. Dhillon, J. G. Andrews, Offloading in Heterogeneous Networks: Modeling, Analysis and Design Insights, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 2484-97, May 2013. It can be accessed at IEEExplore. A pre-print version is available here. Dr. Jeffrey Andrews is a professor with WNCG. His research focuses on communication theory, information theory, and stochastic geometry applied to wireless cellular and ad hoc networks.