It's no secret that WNCG produces stellar industry and academic professionals. Here's where WNCG students and alumni are headed this summer for internships and employment:
Ahmed Alkhateeb - Samsung, Richardson, TX
Andrew Kerns - Radiosense, Austin, TX
Deepjyoti Deka - Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM
Deepti Ghadiyaram - Microsoft Research, Seattle, WA
Derya Malak - Huawei, Plano, TX
Dohyung Park - Facebook, Seattle, WA
Dylan Anderson - Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM
Ghadi Sebaali - Freescale, Austin, TX
Jeonghun Park - Intel, Santa Clara, CA
Jianhua Mo - Samsung, Richardson, TX
Joe Neeman - University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Kiran Venugopal - Intel, Santa Clara, CA
Mandar Kulkarni - Nokia Networks, Arlington Heights, IL
Megan Ruthven - KPCB/MyFitnessPal, San Francisco, CA
Muryong Kim - Samsung, Richardson, TX
Preeti Kumari - National Instruments, Austin, TX
Sabine Francis - Samsung Research Center, Austin, TX
Shalmali Joshi - Yahoo! Labs, Sunnyvale, CA
Siddhartha Banerjee - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Tianyang Bai - Qualcomm, Bridgewater, NJ
Todd Goodall - Netflix, Los Gatos, CA
Vutha Va - Toyota ITC, Mountain View, CA
Xingqin Lin - Ericsson Research, San Jose, CA
Xinyang Yi - Google, Kirkland, WA
Yingzhe Li - Samsung, Richardson, TX
Zeina Sinno - AT&T Labs, Austin, TX