Prof. Ted Rappaport's RFIC and Propagation Laboratory is acquiring a state-of-the art millimeter-wave measurement system up to 220 GHz provided by Rohde Schwarz. Rodhi Schwarz is an industry leader in test and measurement systems for baseband, analog, RF, millimeter-wave, and terahertz frequencies, and recently made a major commitment to help WNCG move its research capabilities above 100 GHz. This coming Fall, WNCG, now a NSF I/UCRC Center for Wireless Internet and Advanced Communications Technology (WICAT), will be equipped with a premium-grade vector network analyzer (VNA) and several millimeter-wave extension modules to test integrated circuits, on-chip antennas, and RF propagation characteristics for massively broadband wireless devices that will someday proliferate at the Sub-Terahertz spectrum. This new equipment, made possible by funding from the Army Research Laboratory, will allow Professor Rappaport and his students to develop new measurement techniques, antenna structures, and wireless devices that deliver multi-Gbps data streams at carrier frequencies of 60 GHz and above. WNCG PhD student and MCD fellowship recipient James Murdock, said, 'this amazing Rohde Schwarz equipment provides me and other WNCG students a wonderful opportunity to develop and publish ground-breaking research in circuit and antenna designs above 100 GHz.'