The fall semester has begun, and though many of our students have been keeping busy over the summer with continued research here at the University of Texas at Austin, some WNCGers like Monica Ribero are returning from summer internships with WNCG Affiliates and other prominent tech companies.
Ribero spent the summer in Holmdel, New Jersey, working at Bell Laboratories. During her internship she conducted research with Dr. Dmitry Chizhik and Dr. Reinaldo Valenzuela at Bell Labs’ Access Lab for a project called "Machine Learning for Site-Specific Propagation Models.”
“We showed how machine learning and image processing can be used to obtain environment information that enhances models prediction accuracy in wireless communications,” Ribero described. Some examples of this concept include extracting vegetation parameters in suburban areas from images or deriving terrain descriptions from terrain elevation maps.
The project was among those selected to be presented to Bell Labs’ leadership team, including company president Marcus Weldon, and Ribero was named one of six winners of the Bell Labs Summer Intern Best Presentation Award.
Monica Ribero is a Ph.D. student with WNCG co-advised by Prof. Robert Heath and Prof. Haris Vikalo. Her research focuses on developing and improving learning techniques for sensor networks with limited communication rates.