WNCG Ph.D. students James Murdock and Felix Gutierrez, working with Professors Ted Rappaport, Deji Akinwande, and Arjang Hassibi, will be developing a millimeter-wave on-chip antenna array and RF receiver circuitry in 45 nm IBM Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technology. As part of the Leading Edge Access Program (LEAP) by DARPA, WNCG researchers will work with other industry and government researchers, and will be given privileged access to state-of-the-art, onshore CMOS technology for the development of advanced concepts relevant to DoD problems. The millimeter-wave wireless devices developed by Professor Rappaport and his team will help provide new communication, sensing, and radar technology to the military. Light-weight, adaptable, millimeter-wave radios equipped on soldiers and vehicles allow broadband information exchange and better radar resolution to help detect and mitigate threats towards troops. Already, Felix Gutierrez, a 2009 Marconi Young Scholar award recipient, attended a two-day workshop led by IBM to learn the design techniques and layout guidelines in this advanced fabrication technology.