
Adobe data science research awards.

Atlas Wang Receives Adobe Data Science Research Award

Oct. 13, 2020
WNCG professor Atlas Wang received a Data Science Research Award from Adobe for his work on “Towards Automated Design of Efficient Deep Multi-Modal Recommendation Models.” Every year, Adobe funds a university faculty research program to “promote the understanding and use of data science in the area of marketing with the goal “to encourage both theoretical and empirical development of solutions to problems in marketing.”
A man in a blue shirt smiling for the camera.

Former Postdoc Accepts Faculty Position at Tel-Aviv University

May 25, 2017
Former WNCG Postdoctoral Researcher, Dr. Yakir Hadad, recently joined the faculty in the School of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Physical Electronics at Tel-Aviv University in Israel. His role as a tenure track Senior Lecturer is the equivalent of a tenure track Assistant Professor in the United States’ academic system.