
Amazon and texas university logos on a white background.

Amazon Teams Up With UT To Establish New Science Hub

April 11, 2023
“Amazon is thrilled to establish a university hub at UT Austin,” said BA Winston, vice president of technology at Prime Video. “For years, our top scientists have been a resource to UT Austin graduate students, collaborating on topics such as developing objective machine learning models to predict perceptual video quality that drive smart compression and multimodal AI models that help ensure highest quality media playback experience at scale.”

AMD pledges $15M to advance supercomputing in fight against coronavirus

Sept. 22, 2020
AMD announced a second round of high-performance technology contributions to assist in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
A close up of a coronavirus on an orange background.

Texas ECE Researchers Respond to COVID-19

May 18, 2020
Texas ECE is on the front lines of the global response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our researchers are racing to develop innovations to support the fight against COVID-19. Here are some Texas ECE research projects being developed to address the coronavirus pandemic: Deployment of a real-time trustworthiness assessment to ensure only the best, most reliable sources and associated data are used for monitoring the incidence of COVID-19, providing confidence to citizens and health care workers alike. Dr. Suzanne Barber