
A man in a sweater is standing in front of an abstract background.

Prof. Andrea Alù Named Recipient of ACS Photonics Young Investigator Award and Lectureship

Feb. 17, 2016
Prof. Andrea Alù has been named the recipient of the inaugural ACS Photonics Young Investigator Award and Lectureship from the American Chemical Society (ACS). The award “honors the contributions of one individual, within the first 5-10 years of an independent research career, who has made major impacts on the field of photonics.” Prof. Alù will receive the award and be the plenary speaker at META’16, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, in Malaga, Spain in July 2016.
A man in a sweater standing in front of an abstract background.

Prof. Andrea Alù Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society

Sept. 28, 2015
Prof. Andrea Alù has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society for “seminal contributions to electromagnetic theory and applications, nano optics, plasmonics, and metamaterials.” Election to Fellowship in the American Physical Society is limited to no more than one half of one percent of the membership and is recognition by peers of the person’s outstanding contributions to physics.
A man standing in front of a hexagonal background.

Prof. Andrea Alù Recognized as Outstanding Referee

May 20, 2014
Prof. Andrea Alù was recognized as an Outstanding Referee by the American Physical Society (APS). This award recognizes scientists who have been exceptionally helpful in assessing manuscripts for publication in APS journals. The highly selective Outstanding Referee program annually recognizes the top 150 of the roughly 60,000 currently active referees.