Atlas Wang to give Keynote Speech at ICTERI 2024

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June 20, 2024
Atlas Wang

WNCG Professor Atlas Wang was selected as a keynote speaker for the 19th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications (ICTERI 2024) in Lviv, Ukraine.

Per the conference website, ICTERI is “a peer-reviewed International Computer Science conference that brings together academics and practitioners interested in the technological advances and business applications of Information and Communication Technologies and Infrastructures.”

Wang’s keynote speech is titled “Efficient Generative Inference by Heavy Hitters and Beyond.”

Wang posted on his LinkedIn account: 

I am deeply honored by the invitation to give a keynote at the Ukrainian computer science conference, ICTERI 2024, which will be held in Lviv, Ukraine. (…) Five years ago, my student Junru Wu and I had the privilege of collaborating with some of these brilliant individuals, resulting in the publication of the Deblurgan-v2 paper at ICCV 2019. This paper, now cited 1,000 times and widely implemented by Intel, OpenCV, and many others, has become a high-profile AI contribution. It is heartwarming to learn from my contacts at Ukrainian Catholic University our work has inspired younger Ukrainian researchers to continue exploring AI. This knowledge truly brightens my day!

More information on this conference can be found here.

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