WNCG will host the 17th Texas Wireless Summit (TWS) on November 12, 2019.
Planning for TWS has just begun, but you can expect an exciting list of high-profile industry and academia speakers, as in previous Summits. Past events have typically been attended by more than 350 leading members of industry and academia each year.
WNCG faculty members Edison Thomaz and Nanshu Lu will take the lead on this year’s event as co-organizers. Thomaz directs the Human Signals Lab, where his research focuses on the computational perception of human signals (e.g., behavioral, emotional, physiological) while leveraging ubiquitous and wearable sensing. Lu and her research group, who joined WNCG in 2018, study the mechanics and manufacture of flexible, stretchable, and bio-integrated electronics.
As Thomaz and Lu continue developing the program for this year’s Summit, more details will be announced in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the newly revamped TWS website for the latest news.
In the meanwhile, save the date to join us on November 12!