WNCG alumni were among the recipients of major paper awards from the Communications Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE ComSoc). The awards were presented at the International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), which took place virtually last month.
Jun Zhang and Kaibin Huang won the IEEE ComSoc 2021 Best Survey Paper Award for their paper, "A Survey on Mobile Edge Computing: The Communication Perspective," co-written with Yuyi Mao, Changsheng You, and Khaled B. Letaief. The paper appeared in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 19 in 2017.
Xingqin Lin received the IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize for his paper, "The Sky Is Not the Limit: LTE for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," published in IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 56 in 2018. Lin’s co-authors were Vijaya Yajnanarayana, Siva D. Muruganathan, Shiwei Gao, Henrik Asplund, Helka-Liina Maattanen, Mattias Bergström, Sebastian Euler, and Y-P. Eric Wang.
Kaibin Huang received the B.Eng. (First Class Hons.) and M.Eng. degrees from the National University of Singapore, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), all in electrical engineering. At WNCG, Huang was advised by Jeffrey Andrews and Robert Heath. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong and an Adjunct Professor with Yonsei University, South Korea. He has received numerous awards including the IEEE ComSoc Asia–Pacific Outstanding Paper Award, the Yonsei Outstanding Teaching Award, and a Motorola Partnerships in Research Grant, among others.
Xingqin Lin received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. He was a member of WNCG advised by Jeffrey Andrews. He is currently a researcher at Ericsson Research Silicon Valley and leads air-to-ground communications research and standardization. He held summer internships at Qualcomm, Nokia Networks, and Bell Labs. He received the MCD fellowship from UT Austin and was recognized by Ericsson for outstanding contributions to NB-IoT. He is an Editor of IEEE Communications Letters.
Jun Zhang received the B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 2004, the M.Phil. degree in information engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, in 2009. He was a member of WNCG advised by Jeffrey Andrews. He is currently a Research Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. His research interests include dense wireless cooperative networks, mobile edge caching and computing, cloud computing, and big data analytics systems.