Xingqin Lin Receives Young Professional Award

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December 21, 2020

WNCG alumnus Xingqin Lin has won IEEE’s 2020 Best Young Professional (YP) Award in Industry. IEEE Communications Society selects two winners for the annual award: one from academia and one from industry.

Young Professional nominees must have received their first post-secondary degree within the past 15 years in order to be eligible. Candidates for the industry category are considered based on “innovative research and/or development of concepts, frameworks, products, services, standards in the communications field.”

Lin’s citation for the award recognizes his contributions to IoT, Aerial, and D2D communications in 5G NR and LTE Advanced.

Xingqin Lin received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, where he was advised by Prof. Jeff Andrews.

He is currently a Master Researcher, Team Leader, and Standardization Delegate at Ericsson Research Silicon Valley, leading 5G/6G research and standardization in the areas of non-terrestrial communications and networking (satellites/HAPS/airplanes/drones). He is a member of the Ericsson NextGen Advisory Board, collaborating with Ericsson Executive Team to drive strategic projects. He is a key contributor to 5G NR, NB-IoT, and LTE standards. His pioneering work on cellular-connected UAVs helped establish the 3GPP Rel-15 work on enhanced LTE support for aerial vehicles. He is an expert in wireless communications and technology strategy.

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