
Satellites and satellites around the earth.

The Problem With GPS

Jan. 29, 2021
WNCG professor Todd Humphreys, an expert in GPS spoofing, is featured in a recent New York Times opinion piece on the nation's need for a GPS backup. Although the system is essential, it's also vulnerable. Read the full piece by Kate Murphy in The New York Times. 
Nasa's dragon spacecraft in space.

Todd Humphreys and Peter Iannucci Research to Improve Navigation using SpaceX Satellites

Sept. 29, 2020
WNCG professor Todd Humphreys and postdoctoral fellow Peter Iannucci of the Radionavigation Laboratory have developed a system using the constellation of SpaceX satellites to potentially deliver a low-cost, more accurate, and highly secure alternative to GPS. Their work was recently featured in the MIT Technology Review:
Satellites and satellites around the earth.

How Vulnerable is GPS?

Aug. 13, 2020
The New Yorker feature "How Vulnerable is GPS?" discusses WNCG professor Todd Humphreys' journey uncovering and demonstrating security weaknesses in the Global Positioning System. Humphreys is a pioneer in the the study of Global Navigation Satellite Systems. His research group was the first to demonstrate cm-accurate RTK positioning through a smartphone antenna, and in 2012 they demonstrated the first successful spoofing of UAVs. Since then, Humphreys has examined real-world instances of spoofing and jamming that raise serious concerns about the ubiquitous technology.
An image of a man with glasses in front of a binary code.

Digesting Big Data

Aug. 24, 2015
With Big Data playing a role in the lives of companies and individuals across the globe, and data being collected on everything from apps to electronic health records to parking meters, society debates how best to use this mass of information. “The stormy sea of Big Data can lead to data indigestion,” WNCG Associate Director Prof. Constantine Caramanis states. “We are interested in the application of data for engineering problems, from petroleum to health to recommendation engines.”
An image of a man with glasses in front of a binary code.

Digesting Big Data

Aug. 24, 2015
With Big Data playing a role in the lives of companies and individuals across the globe, and data being collected on everything from apps to electronic health records to parking meters, society debates how best to use this mass of information. “The stormy sea of Big Data can lead to data indigestion,” WNCG Associate Director Prof. Constantine Caramanis states. “We are interested in the application of data for engineering problems, from petroleum to health to recommendation engines.”
A man standing in front of a banner in a hallway.

New Student Apps Encourage Users to Go Nuts over Healthcare

May 5, 2015
There is a new app on the market that encourages users to go nuts over healthcare, complete with a squirrely mascot. Created by the founders of Accordion Health and dubbed the “health nuts,” the two new apps, Pistachio and Chestnut, bring medical care back under the control, and into the palms of, users and patients.