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Event Status
April 30, 2010, All Day
Following Shannon's landmark paper, classical theoretical framework forcommunication is based on a simplifying assumption that all information isequally important and aims to provide a uniform protection to allinformation. However, this homogeneous view of information is not suitablefor a variety of modern-day communication scenarios such as wireless andsensor networks, video transmission, interactive systems, and controlapplications.
Event Status
April 16, 2010, All Day
Abstract: Flexibility and efficiency will be key design requirements for future communications transceivers. Systems must be reconfigurable and adaptable in order to minimize power and maximize throughput as environmental conditions and user requirements change. This lecture will present digital baseband architectures and design techniques to achieve these goals for several types of wireless communications systems, including multiple-carrier (OFDM), multiple-antenna (MIMO) and multiple-algorithm (SDR) systems.
Event Status
April 9, 2010, All Day
We analyze a generalized method for harmonic analysis under oscillations called the Taylor-Fourier Transform (TFT). The TFT always has a lower error than the standard discrete Fourier transform (DFT) method. The TFT also: reduces inter-harmonic interference, has coefficients with physical meaning, locates transients in time, has maximally flat gains about each harmonic, and estimates position and derivates of each harmonic.We propose the use of the TFT in digital communication systems.Speaker Biography Antonio de la O Serna (SM03) received his Ph.D.
Event Status
April 8, 2010, All Day
Event Status
April 2, 2010, All Day
Abstract: The analysis of very high dimensional data - data sets where the dimensionality of each observation is comparable to or even larger than the number of observations - has drawn increasing attention in the last few decades due to a broad array of applications, from DNA microarrays to video processing, to consumer preference modeling and collaborative filtering, and beyond. As we discuss, many of our tried-and-true statistical techniques fail in this regime.
Event Status
March 31, 2010, All Day
Event Status
March 25, 2010, All Day
Event Status
March 12, 2010, All Day